Friday, February 8, 2008

New Format

Yes, we have had dinner at the house since January 24th! I have not however had the time to post what we ate ;(
In an effort to share more meals, I am going to post a weeks worth of meals every weekend. This will really help if you are going out to the grocery store and need just that!
Look for this week's meals by Sunday!!!


Jennifer S said...

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for stopping by my blog! As you know, I'm sure, there's nothing better than finding the name of a new reader in the comments.

I'm impressed by the spirit of your blog, and I'll have to check out your other one. My friends and I are always trying to find ways to get our kids to eat veggies. I have one child who will eat almost anything, and another who is very picky (he gets his taste buds from his father). Thanks for the inspiration!

Miss Lisa said...

Thanks Jennifer!
I think every family has a picky one or at the very least a member who is in a picky stage. My three yr old is my current picky eater--he makes faces at most meals but he has to eat a couple of bites. Both my daughters were also picky from around 3 to 5 but now eat most their veggies--one hates carrots and the other hates mushrooms :)
Great work on encouraging a good diet and thanks for visiting!